The island of Mal di Ventre, in the Sardinian language Malu Entu, is an ancient granite outcrop whose erosion feeds the quartz beaches of the sinis, is 2.13 km long and has a surface of about 80h.
The island of Mal di Ventre is made up of small beaches composed mainly of medium-fine sand, the seabed is often bordered by large granite blocks, and alternate rocky stretches to other sandy. The 4 sites visited mainly by scuba divers are: the “Secca Ettore”, the “Secca Geppetto”, the “Relitto del Vaporetto” and the “Relitto del Joyce”.
Because of the strong mistral wind that hits the island is composed of Mediterranean scrub and low grassy vegetation.
The fauna, very interesting and varied, is composed of arachnids, reptiles, rabbits birds and tortoises that roam undisturbed for the island.
Sailing time starting from Putzu Idu: 15 minutes